2018 Summer Mini Sessions

What’s a Mini Session?

It’s time for my 2018 Summer Mini Sessions!  What’s a mini session you ask?  A mini session is a very short session, usually around 15 minutes, for a much smaller fee than a regular session.  Mini Session’s also usually have a certain theme whether holiday, imaginative, seasonal, etc.   They are an excellent opportunity for someone to get some wonderful photos whether children or entire family at a very affordable price and a great session length.   Let’s be honest, those little ones and sometimes daddy’s (LOL) have a very short time span that allows for a nice posed smile.   Mini Sessions are also a great way to get some updated photos every year  of your children or families growth without committing to an entire session.  So if you don’t mind a themed look, you could get some beautiful art for your home, or pictures for your Christmas cards, etc.

Mini sessions are normally scheduled on one or two particular days chosen by the photographer.  For that reason there are limited spots available for sessions.   It is scheduled this way in order for the photographer to book a number of sessions without having to setup more than 1-2 times.   Sometimes the props and themes can be very intense.   Photographers also offer them periodically so that those that can’t afford regular sessions will have the opportunity to get portraits done.  It’s just not smart for a photographer to offer them on an “any day” schedule and have to setup the props a number of times.

To book a mini session a person must follow the photographer through their social media, visiting their web site and subscribing to their newsletter.   This way you don’t miss the announcement or miss out on grabbing one of the limited spots.  My Mini Sessions are posted first through our VIP Facebook group to allow former clients or people that particularly follow me the chance to book first.  You can join my Facebook VIP group by visiting here and requesting to join.

I’ve previously announced my 2018 Summer Mini Sessions in the group and are now announcing them here on the blog.

2018 Summer Mini Sessions

My 2018 Summer Mini Sessions consists of a Fireworks Stand for the 4th of July, Super Hero Mini Sessions, and Watermelon Mini Sessions.

The Fireworks Stand Mini Session is the first in the lineup set for June 30 in Kingwood Texas.  The set consists of a lot of firework props displayed on various crates and buckets, as well as stuck in the ground, and surrounding our wooden fireworks stand.  A patriotic blanket is provided for the kids or family to sit on in front of the stand as well as a child’s adirondack chair.  A lot of crafting went into my fireworks display and I’ve never had so much fun!

Fireworks Stand Mini Session4th of July Mini Session Kingwood Texas

The second in my lineup is my Super Hero Mini Sessions set for July 19th and 20th.  These sessions will be held inside my home studio in Kingwood Texas.  I decided to go with these indoor for three reasons….one, it’s super hot in July, two, I have a really cool city backdrop and three, it’s really much easier to make your child look like they were flying if I have fixed points of reference.  Yep, that’s right, one image will be of your child flying.  The kids think this is super cool too.   Super Hero capes, masks, and arm bands will be available to borrow for session.

Super Hero Mini Sessions Kingwood TexasSuper Hero Mini Session Houston TexasMini Session Kingwood Texas


The third in our lineup is our Watermelon Mini Sessions set for July 27th and 28th.  The watermelon sessions will also be held in Kingwood Texas.  These sessions will be held outdoors because that’s where kids should eat watermelon slices.  LOL.   Talk about messy!  But don’t you just love little watermelon faces?  This session will consist of crates and buckets of watermelon and possibly a quilt for sitting on.  The kids will also get their very own slice to eat.  Unfortunately, at the time of me typing this, I don’t have any images to show you….but I’m sure you can imagine.  We will get some ASAP.

Watermelon Mini Session KingwoodMini Session Houston Texas

More info on our 2018 Summer Mini Sessions?

Well, that wraps up my lineup for 2018 Summer Mini Sessions.  If you would like to read more information or book a spot for a mini please visit the Recollection Road Photography store page under the mini session heading on my website by clicking here.

You may also e-mail me at or complete the contact form on my website.

Have a great summer!



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Telephone (281) 544-0542


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